
The Invisible + Junk Son


  • Mercredi 18/05/2016 à 20:00

Pop Up du Label

14 rue Abel 75012 Paris

Paris 12e arrondissement

MGare de LyonM 14M 1

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À propos


As a group, Dave Okumu (guitar, vocals), Tom Herbert (bass & synthesizer) and Leo Taylor (drums), have been involved in this celebration for almost a decade now, though their musical collaborations stretch back further still. The trio met as teenagers, and, over the next ten yeas or so, they crossed over again and again, gigging, jamming, working as session players and supporting each other’s band projects.
It was only in 2006 that they coalesced as The Invisible.
Third album, “Patience,” grows out of all the experiences the group have had since Rispah, not least Dave’s post-electrocution sense that he is “the luckiest man alive, really. It would be really strange to make music that didn’t reflect that.” Joyous without losing any of its intelligence or compositional rigour, the basis for many of the tunes came from a couple of long trips Okumu made to LA, where he made connections in the West Coast beat scene and discovered “an ease and freedom that I plugged into.” Coming back to London, the trio worked on his basic compositions until they were a complete expression of the collective.

Les artistes

S'y rendre

Pop Up du Label

14 rue Abel 75012 Paris

MGare de LyonM 14M 1 à 368m

MLedru-RollinM 8 à 378m

MQuai de la RapéeM 5 à 680m

RerGARE DE LYON RER DRer aRer d à 256m

TransGARE DE LYON RER DTrans r à 256m


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