RockLylo recommande

Thomas Dybdahl

Thomas Dybdahl vient de finaliser son 7eme album solo « The Great Plains » qui sortira le 24 février 2017, et que l’artiste nous présentera en live sur la scène du Flow le 26 avril.

  • Mercredi 26/04/2017 à 20:00

Le Flow

4 Port des Invalides 75007 Paris

Bateau, Péniche

Paris 7e arrondissement

MInvalidesM 13M 8

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À propos


Avec sa voix unique et expressive, Thomas Dybdahl est aujourd'hui l'un des plus grands artistes pop norvégiens. Après la sortie en 2002 de son premier album, The Great October Sound, qui a connu un immense succès critique, Thomas Dybdahl a remporté une multitude de prix, et acquis une notoriété mondiale, qui va toujours grandissant. Sa musique est à la fois chaleureuse, intimiste et mélancolique, et les thèmes de ses chansons tournent le plus souvent autour de l'amour et de la perte. Thomas Dybdahl vient de finaliser son 7eme album solo "The Great Plains" qui sortira le 24 février 2017, et que l'artiste nous présentera en live sur la scène du Flow le 26 avril.

Les artistes

Thomas Dybdahl

As is often the case with distinctive endeavors, the creative path of Thomas Dybdahl -- the 32-year-old guitarist, singer, songwriter, and native of Sandnes, Norway -- has been, for nearly a decade, all his own.

“I’ve taken an eclectic approach,” Dybdahl says. “I’ve sought to draw influences from the whole spectrum of music -- not only from songwriters and singers but also from contemporary and classical music. I am always trying to infuse my work with all these different influences so that I don’t limit myself, or listeners, to the notion of being just another guy with a guitar.”

As he knows well, several of those strum around, and Dybdahl in one sense is yet another. But on ‘Songs’ -- his U.S. debut, released via Decca Records/Universal on Strange Cargo, an imprint overseen by the renowned musician and producer Larry Klein, whose past close musical associations include Joni Mitchell, Tracey Chapman, Madeleine Peyroux, and others -- Dybdahl distinguishes himself with fire and finesse. The tracks serve as a great introduction for American listeners to the five albums (2002’s ‘...that great October sound’; 2003‘s ‘Stray Dogs’; 2004‘s ‘One Day You’ll Dance for Me, New York City’; 2006’s “Science’; and 2010’s ‘Waiting for that One Clear Moment‘) for which Dybdahl has received steady acclaim internationally and won two Norwegian Grammys.

S'y rendre

Le Flow

4 Port des Invalides 75007 Paris

MInvalidesM 13M 8 à 166m

MChamps-Elysées-ClémenceauM 13M 1 à 472m

MAssemblée NationaleM 12 à 538m

RerINVALIDESRer c à 50m


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