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Jacky Lesdenré

Good for your groove and your soul

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My very first dance on electronic music was at the Paris gay pride when i was 16 years old (2006). The entire place de la bastille was full of people dancing and smiling on the beat, all covered by a nice sunny sky with little fluffy clouds. After that experience, i've begun to explore the huge world of electronic music.

i'm DJ at Generator Hostels in Paris every saturday. During the week, i work in an association called Unis-Cité. We provide Civic Service missions for young people aged between 16 and 25 years old. I did studies about geology and environnemental sciences (hydrology, climatology...) and now i want to rise the awareness about our ecological impact on the Earth.

my pseudonym is a tribute to all the people who allowed poor people to eat and survive on that planet. Les denrées means "foodstuff". Jacky is the contraction of "j'ai acquis" that means "i have acquired"

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